Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Brave Swordsman

*​ This story is completely fiction and has no ties to real events* Character and Location names may not be similar to modern geography*

In the year 1649 in the southern Kyushu regions of Japan there was a small mountainous village. The year was full of war and injustices with the common citizens plagued by hunger, the cause of these harsh times was from an unrelenting enemy of the chinese eastern forces. The Chinese government was in a crisis of over population and with a shortage of resources decided to attack Japan for its abundant minerals and food. On the month of June the military started enlisting men from the households of families within the vicinity of an incoming attack from Shanghai approaching quickly.

In the remote village of Haku a young boy named Higasaki Fujiki was enlisted at the age of 16, he was afraid but as to not bring shame to his family he left with no objections, he bid farewell to his parents and little sister promising to return. Fujiki brought with him only the clothes on his back and a sadness of leaving his family in hopes of bringing honor to his family and the village which he departed.

Fujiki and 3 (three) of his friends were all enlisted into the war and had planned on fighting on the same garrison, but when unexpectedly an enemy airplane came to attacked the caravan of young soldiers with a barrage of bombs.

Fujiki woke up in a darkly lit room with a man resting beside him, as Fujiki was getting up the man woke up and told him of the deaths of all his friends and that he was the only survivor. Fujiki was saddened by the shocking news but he was still acting brave to not show his feelings to a stranger, he then went back to sleep for recovering his health.

When Fujiki woke up, the stranger was gone, so he stood up and left the room to find the old man training in a field, he thanked to the old man and asked for a name and begged to be taught by the old man how to fight and survive, so he can keep his promise to his family. The old man told introduced himself as Saito and told Fujiki, if he wished to learn how to survive, he'd have to have a strong heart and willing to survive. Fujiki agreed and later he started his training with the old man to be able to survive in the war and protect his family.

*Six Months Passed*

Fujiki was ready to join into the war on the fight after missing the last battle he was supposed to attend, which resulted in the loss of the city of Nagasaki. Determined to take back the city, Fujiki asked the old man for help, Saito offered him a weapon passed down his family and told Fujiki, that he didn't have much longer to live. Fujiki was shocked to hear this, but understood his teacher was too old and only survived to pass down his techniques to the young boy. Fujiki accepted a Sword, which the old man said would give him very great power. Then he went on his journey into the forest which would be his next resting place.

Fujiki departed to take back the city of Nagasaki with his new found blade which held many mysteries and with the strength bestowed to him by his teacher. Fujiki traveled by horse from the Eastern side of Kyushu which took him a few days to arrive to be near at the city of Nagasaki. At nearing in Nagasaki, Fujiki decided to leave the horse and traveled by foot, arriving near suddenly loots of the enemy came closer, so he decided to attack during the night. 

As the night sky shined down, Fujiki took his blade and slaughtered many soldiers which were asleep without the faintest worries of taking a life. The soldiers were alerted and started mobilizing to take down Fujiki, they surrounded him pointing their guns at him. Fujiki didn't know what to do but felt a strange energy leaking from the sword, he then heard gunfire coming from distance away and noticed that Japanese soldiers was attacking from the outskirts.

Fujiki was happy to see that he wasn't alone and had more courage to attacked all the men whom surrounding him, he was shot in countless times but Fujiki shrugged it off as if nothing happened. As Dawn was coming down the enemy soldiers were all being eliminated and later he continue joined with the Japanese forces after liberation the city of Nagasaki.

The Japanese forces were surprised that Fujiki survived after attacking the enemy alone which later earned him many medals of bravery and was given the choice to continue fighting in the war or returning to his village. Fujiki made a deal with the army to continue fighting for them, excluding his village from being enlisted into the war.

Two years passed and the war was finished with the Chinese forces are giving up, Fujiki left the army after being praised as the savior of Kyushu for his many victories in the battle. Fujiki departed on his way home to return to his parents and his little sister to keep his promise. Fujiki arrived at the village only to see no one was there, He worried the worst might have happened, but was later being surprised by the villagers who planned a party for his return. Fujiki was very happy to see his family are safe and went to greet his parents and his sister, and they celebrated for hours.

Fujiki's battle was over and with the secrets his bestowed to him by the sword throughout the war, he trained to become stronger with his sister, so that he can make his teacher proud. With the sword being passed down his family for many generations, his family was always there to protect Japan.

200419Written by : Fujikun
Design Picture by : Matthew Virzy
Editor by : Kepik Romantis / PVA