Thursday, August 19, 2021

Love Letter for My Love, Who Already Passed Away

To the one that i have been love in old time days. This letter just for you. After your death day, i dont know why you still keep that feelings for me, even you know that i never regret it that i have been in love for you even just at last time you feel it happy for it too. Still i just dont know why? That you still in love with me, and for that long time no seen until then, and you still keep that happy smile for me. Sadly, i cannot have that fortune luck to be with you until you passed away. But still my heart always keep your love inside me, hold me and guide me to the good way that you always said everytime to remember me always. Love you always and forever keeping your memory inside in my heart.

180821 written by : Kepik Romantis / PVA

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